Wednesday 20 August 2008

RCN Responds To Research On Healthcare For Adults Over 50, UK

�Commenting on the British Medical Journal research paper on health care for all over 50 class olds, Chief Executive & General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Dr Peter Carter said:

"We welcome the key findings of this paper, it highlights the importance of training and support for healthcare staff in delivering fundamental substantive care and services to older people.

"More significantly, it besides emphasises the need for more Government action through the recruitment and memory of medical specialist nurses, as well as adequate backing to increase the layer of services available to our about vulnerable citizens."


The British Medical Journal research paper, Self reported receipt of tending consistent with 32 quality indicators: National population survey of adults aged 50 or more than in England, is available on its website

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is the voice of nursing across the UK and is the largest professional join of breast feeding staff in the world. The RCN promotes the interest of nurses and patients on a wide-eyed range of issues and helps shape healthcare policy by working closely with the UK Government and other national and international institutions, trade unions, professional bodies and voluntary organisations.

Royal College of Nursing

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